Always Remember Number One

Always Remember Number One

Recently, we had a dinner meeting with some potential clients that was worth a lot of money. I had my son that night and I asked my fiance if she would stay with him (my fiance and I don’t live together). We ended up staying out late… really late.

My fiance was very worried and very scared. I had neglected my responsibilities as a fiance and as a father to let her know my plans. I made a mistake. But what really bothers me is that I took them for granted, albeit it was only for night, I still took them for granted.

My point is that we as entrepreneurs become so wrapped up in the next deal, our customer complaints, business strategy, and a myriad of other business duties that it’s so easy to put your family on the back burner. Where would you be without them? I wouldn’t be half the man I am if it wasn’t for my great family.

Please consider your family the next time a potential business issue comes up. Consider that without your family support, being a successful entrepreneur is very difficult. I know when I’m 90, I don’t want to look back on my life with regret that I neglected my family responsibilities.

You can follow me on Twitter @jprichardson


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