Goodbye DJ Explode

Goodbye DJ Explode

The three of us were lounging out by the pool on Saturday afternoon discussing business and our need to figure something out. You see, we are having trouble keeping a focus. We’ve got multiple consulting projects on our plate and we have multiple products that we’re working on as well. Two of them being DJ Explode and the Sports Fan Apps.

Occasionally, we leave town to go to a nearby city to get away from distractions. This allows us to focus on the strategy of Reflect7. We ended up choosing Omaha. During dinner, we decided that it would be best if we killed DJ Explode.

What was my major struggle was that the Sports Fan Apps are making us money but yet we are not focusing much on them. Also, we tend to drop projects a lot without finishing them. So I was leaning towards pushing the release of DJ Explode for the sake of finishing.

What was DJ Explode?\ DJ Explode was an iPhone app that would allow users to share their playlists. Before we started development, we all agreed that it was a pain in the ass to make playlists. So, we thought it would be cool if we had an app that allowed users to share playlists.

Why did we kill it?\ We killed it for a number of reasons. First, we knew that in order to build it correctly, we would have to allow users to connect with their friends on Facebook. We would have to build a large social component. Building social interactions in apps takes a lot of time. DJ Explode would have taken at least six months to a year to get it to that point. We also considered that our Sports Fan Apps have over 100k downloads. It would be wise for us to leverage this user base into more profit before moving on to other projects.

DJ Explode is dead. Does it seem like it would have solved your problem?

Twitter: @jprichardson


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