Inspiration Is Perishable

Inspiration Is Perishable

“Inspiration is perishable” - Jason Fried

This is one quote that has resonated with me well after Big Omaha 2009. Inspiration is indeed perishable. I think this is something that affects all of us. I’m sure you’ve had an ‘aha’ moment when you think of a great idea - then you think: if only you had the time. But wait, you remember that in a few weeks your schedule will clear up. Then you can act upon your great idea! Weeks pass by. You didn’t act.

This is all too common. Personally, this happens to me all of the time. I own about 30 unused domains that represent ideas for web apps. “Only if I had more time.” The reality is, you will never have more time. Life throws so much at us: kids, spouses, divorces, deaths, sickness, day jobs, etc. You have to make more time.

You can start by decommitting. Do you really need to come home after work and watch Lost for an hour? Do you really need to go out on Friday night with your buddies and be hungover all day Saturday? Must you go to that basketball game? Do you need to spend an hour on Facebook?

The choice is yours. If those things make you happy, then do them. But, don’t be mad at yourself later in life because you didn’t act. The time is now. Act today.

What techniques do you use so that you can act upon your great ideas right away?

You can follow me on Twitter @jprichardson


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