It Shouldn't Be That Hard, Right?

It Shouldn't Be That Hard, Right?

“Everyone’s job is easy, except your own.” - Don’t Remember

I hear this all the time about software. “… all you have to do is put a few buttons here and a few buttons there… that shouldn’t be that hard, right?” Right dude, it’s sooooo easy. How often have you said this to someone about their job? I’m guilty. I’ve said it to other software developers. But it needs to stop.

Saying “that shouldn’t be that hard” to someone demeans the work that others do. It makes them feel as if you are laying out some level of expectation on the difficulty of their work. Most of the time, you’re wrong. It also makes you either sound like a pompous fool or an ignorant twit.

Let’s all just do ourselves a favor and stop saying this. Chances are it’s more difficult than you think.

You can follow me on Twitter @jprichardson


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