Luck Surface Area

Luck Surface Area

As I’ve stated before, I don’t believe in “luck” however, I do believe in the following quote:

Luck is what happens when opportunity means preparation. - Seneca (Roman Philosopher)

I came across the concept of “Luck Surface Area” over the weekend that I wanted to share with you. It’s a term coined by Jason Roberts. Lance of does a great job summarizing the concept:

Jason believes that by putting yourself out there… blogging, podcasting, commenting in online discussions, and following up with every customer and user, you increase the likelihood of having a serendipitous moment. It’s a fun concept to consider – but perhaps less of a scientific occurrence than yet another example of the Law of Averages.

I may disagree with the concept being an example of the Law of Averages, but I do strongly agree that by continuously putting yourself out there and creating content, you will increase your chances of success. Logically, I think that’s hard to argue with. It makes sense. The more content that you create, the more positive customer interactions that you have, you increase the likelihood of someone sharing your story, your content, or your products. In any case, it’s a win for you.

Maybe you start blog now?

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  1. The Best Exercise Any Entrepreneur Can Do
  2. Luck
  3. Luck II

Follow me on Twitter: @jprichardson


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