The Two-Second Rule

The Two-Second Rule

No, I’m not referring to the driving rule. I’m referring to conversations.

I love conversing about three things: people, business, and technology. When any conversation involves any of the aforementioned topics (most do), I get really excited. I love to learn more about the other person, their background, their business, and technologies used to improve their lives.

So what’s the problem? I get so excited, that I want to ask questions or chime in with an opinion before the other person is finished talking. That’s annoying to other person and inconsiderate. I recently read about the two second rule on Little Things Matter. The concept is simple. When someone is done talking, wait two seconds before you respond to ensure that they are finished. Easy peasy.

Your conversations will be better, more meaningful, and the other party will think that you’re a better listener. A win for everyone.

You can follow me on Twitter @jprichardson


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