I'm Back
I'm Back
It’s been an interesting couple of months. Quite a few things have happened in my life.
- I got married to a wonderful woman and my best friend.
- Reflect7 has been put up for sale.
- I started two new companies.
- My biological father who I haven’t seen in 26 years has contacted me.
- My house was burglarized. Three laptops, an iPad, a PS3, and wedding gift cards were stolen. More on this in another post this week.
Why did I stop blogging? I wanted to use all of my free time to either focus on my business activities in the name of increased productivity or spend my free time on wedding related activities. You see, some blog posts would take up to two hours to write. Many would take over an hour to write. It was a massive commitment that I didn’t want to stress about. So it seemed reasonable to take a blogging sabbatical.
I missed writing though. There is something magical about writing that really helps a person to organize their thoughts and bring direction to one’s life.
I’m back and I feel better than ever.
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