Positivity Breeds Positivity

Positivity Breeds Positivity

Think for a moment about the people that you like to be around the most. What characteristics do they have in common? I’ll bet that these people are generally upbeat, happy, and positive about life. Two of my best friends are exactly like this. These are the type of guys that rarely let the small things of life bother them and seem to have an optimistic view of life. It’s by no coincidence that people gravitate towards them.

Think about how you are. Are you generally optimistic and positive? Or are you generally negative and pessimistic? Do you like to be around negative people? We all know of that person who complains all of the time… they aren’t pleasant to be around.

Next time that you are around a bunch of people and you have a hankering to say something negative, try to refrain. Instead, keep a smile on your face, be enthusiastic and optimistic. You’ll soon find that people gravitate towards you.

Negativity breeds negativity. Positivity breeds positivity.

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